Loulabelle's FrancoFiles episode 174
Guest: Claudine Hemingway
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Notre Dame has been a place of faith and welcome for over 860 years. On 15 April 2019 a fire destroyed much of the roof including the spire which fell to the ground. At the time the French president Emmanuel Macron declared that the iconic cathedral would be rebuilt in the same fashion as it was originally. Now 5 years and 8 months later we have watched history unfold with the re-birth of this significant architectural wonder.
Ma belle amie Claudine Hemingway has so much knowledge of the history of Paris, she also lives just a few minutes walk from Notre Dame, so it was fascinating to chat with her about all the goings-on for the opening of the iconic cathedral in December.
In this petit papotage de podcast we discussed the cathedral’s renovation, the before & after differences, how to plan your visit to the newly opened Notre Dame as well as the impact on Paris and the world of being able to again access such an important place for people of faith as well as lovers of history, architecture and France in general.
The new Loulabelle’s FrancoFiles 2025 Diary mentioned in this episode can be accessed via the LFF shop here
Claudine’s YouTube with Notre Dame posts here
Claudine’s Instagram @claudinebleublonderouge