Living OUR French dream! Paris, love & secrets 4 all FrancoFilers

Living OUR French dream! Paris, love & secrets 4 all FrancoFilers

Krystal Kenney is loving life in Paris, especially in her petit corner of Montmartre!

Loulabelle's FrancoFiles episode 27

Guest: Krystal Kenney

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One of the things I have most loved about doing my podcast, is the way I get to connect with amazing people around the world with a “fabuleux histoire de Paris ou France” to share. We all have one thing in common, and that is our love of all things French.

I found Krystal Kenney to be a beautifully warm person who was also wonderfully generous with her time. Krystal is an author, a photographer and artist, she has her own podcast La Vie Creative and often teams up with another francophile also once interviewed on LFF – Claudine Hemingway – to discuss her History Avec a Hemingway segments, and also to provide us all with some wonderful online live Paris tours!

One major point of difference for Krystal though, is that she was not always a francophile. She was selected to travel through Europe and visit the UN as a young teenager. That’s when the French connection started to deepen. Now Krystal is based in Paris full-time, living in the 18th arr of Montmartre and loving it!

Krystal’s memoir, Paris, A Life Less Ordinary describes her journey to the life she now leads in Paris. I’ve often imagined what that would be really like… to take off and live in Paris with no idea of when I would return, if at all. I wonder if it might be freeing, or terrifying, or a little bit of both! For Krystal it wasn’t all smooth sailing. The memoir mentions dating blunders and some crazy things that occurred. She started out nannying for four children, and at one point ended up homeless and alone. It takes some bravery to continue on, but I got the feeling that she is glad she did.

Krystal met her Italian husband in Paris and has entered a new phase of life in the French capital.

I asked Krystal to tell me some of her favourite things:


Crème brûlée


Krystal introduced me to Pink Martini and their song Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler, which means I don’t want to work! It has become a new favourite of mine! I love the retro sound and the laidback jazz feel. Such a brilliant all girl group!

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