Walking Le Puy Camino – a life changing experience!

Walking Le Puy Camino – a life changing experience!
After they waked Le Puy Camino for many days and weeks on end, I caught up with my Uncle Carl and his mate Paul in Cahors. An amazing place and a wonderful catch up with 2 of my faves in France!

Loulabelle's FrancoFiles episode 159

Carl Putt & Paul Steinfort

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In 2023 my dear uncle Carl Putt and his best mate Paul Steinfort embarked on a life changing experience walking Le Puy Camino, a huge pilgrimage trail through France.

I have obviously known my Uncle Carl my whole life and sharing a love of France together, it was wonderful to share this chat with him. I have known Paul mainly as Carl’s best mate through my life (but just prior to COVID I took on the role as President of a large football club in suburban Melbourne for a number of years, with Paul having the capacity and experience to be my mentor through that time.) It was just lovely to chat with both Paul and Carl about this extraordinary experience they shared in France and I was thrilled to meet up over in Cahors, France to witness their last night.

The walk they did is what’s known as “Inn to Inn” walking, that is hotel to hotel. Most days they walked about 20 kms, but then as I discovered some days they walked more when they got lost! We chatted about the preparation required including training, equipment and the impact on participants’ health and wellbeing. With both men being aged 75 at the time of this walk, I ascertained that taking on a challenge of this kind is not out of anyone’s reach, as long as adequate medical advice is sought prior and the required steps to ensure readiness are undertaken.

I loved how this experience has now spawned the idea of doing something similar with grandchildren. That experience will potentially provide memories for those grandchildren completing a similar trek now, to carry through their lives and possibly then do with their own grandchildren in the future whilst remembering the same experience with their grandfather. A wonderful ongoing family connection through the generations.

Paul identified the deepness of the connection to France for our family and he was very happy to immerse in that with his friend, my Uncle Carl. This connection has brought a closeness of our extended family, and may possibly bring about more walks such as this for us all in the future.


Details regarding Carl & Paul’s trek coming soon.








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