Are you always “gunna” do something? Perhaps join the Gunnas International in France!

Are you always “gunna” do something? Perhaps join the Gunnas International in France!
Catherine Deveny inspires others with her Gunnas writing retreats. She even hosts one now in France!

Loulabelle's FrancoFiles episode 154 - click here to listen

Catherine Deveny

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Melbourne local Catherine Deveny has a career I have followed for decades. She is a writer, a comedian, an inspiration to many and she has provided many a belly cackle for me over the years. She is irreverent, intelligent and loads of fun and I loved unpacking the French angle of her story.

Catherine describes herself as a professional MILF!!! (outside of Australia, google it!) Seriously though, she is the founder of the Gunnas writers retreats and since its inception she has had 10,000 writers or “gunna-be” writers through her workshops. Her retreats have created a community of writers that keep coming back for more!

Catherine has said, “We put obstacles in front of our happiness… they are distraction, procrastination and self-doubt. Satisfaction is what makes us happy, not distraction. There’s no effort without error. 80% of success is just turning up.” These words inspire me to get up and get going! It’s fabulous life advice!  We should not postpone joy! We should live our lives with as much joy as possible and I love how Catherine makes this “real” in our chat during this episode.

I often wonder that many women have not been raised to consider their own dreams. Listening to Catherine as we chatted left me really considering how I might live my best life and actually live my dreams… During our chat I considered how to shift from being a “Gunna” to an actual “Do-er”. After the recording of this episode, the chat stayed with me for a long time. Whilst I was gardening, packing up to move house, splitting wood for our wood heater, just engaging in ordinary life… I thought about how to be the person I really want to be and also live the life I want to live. To be the person I want to be for others whilst still being true to myself. It’s a balance but one we can definitely traverse if we are purposefully considered.


I truly hope that LFF listeners everywhere consider how to navigate a balance between dreams and reality in each individual special life in order to blossom in a way that fits for the person you are and the life you want to live.


Catherine Deveny’s links

Catherine’s website including details for Gunnas Retreats and Gunnas International in France, click here



Quiche Lorraine



Link coming shortly




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